Constructing Novels: Part Four
Constructing Novels: Part Three
“How Is a Person Supposed to Read Fiction?”
Real-Life Characters: A Fearful Thing
Cover Art: A Fearful Thing
“I really enjoyed your book”: A Fearful Thing
Why is there Violence in the Rebecca novels? A Fearful Thing
Romance in the Rebecca Series: A Fearful Thing
Good Endings: A Fearful Thing
Boats and Ships and Weapons: A Fearful Thing
Action Scenes: A Fearful Thing
Researching Novels: "A Fearful Thing"
The Female Lead Character in the Rebecca Series and in the new release: A Fearful Thing
Sympathetic Characters: Self-Reflection versus “Wallowing”
How Long is a Novel?
Creating “Evil” Characters
What Exactly is a “Christian Novel?"
Constructing Novels: Part Two
Constructing Novels: Part One
Names and Not-Names