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Upon graduation from Duke University, Walker Buckalew was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy. He served on the 7th Fleet aircraft carrier USS Constellation, with homeports San Diego, Pearl Harbor, and Yokosuka, Japan. After completion of his military service, Walker coached and taught high school English in Wyoming public schools. Later, having earned a Ph.D. degree from the University of Wyoming, he joined the faculty of St. Lawrence University (NY).


Dr. Buckalew then taught in the Psychology Department and served as Coordinator of the Kellogg Foundation Health Promotion Program at the University of North Carolina Asheville. After his four years at UNCA, he became President and Chief Operating Officer of Cumberland University (TN).


He next joined the private-school consulting firm Independent School Management, Wilmington, DE, working with Boards of Trustees in the U.S. and Canada in the development of long-term sustainable plans for their institutions. 


Walker now resides in Greer, SC, with his wife, Dr. Linda Mason Hall.


Previous novels in Dr. Buckalew’s Rebecca Series include:

  • The Face of the Enemy 

  • By Many or By Few 

  • Such Thy Mercies 

  • Choose You This Day

  • A Fearful Thing


Walker’s Faith & Inspiration


I became a Christian when, as a 19-year-old sophomore at Duke University, a new friend loaned me a book and asked me to read it. I’d never heard of the author or the title. Someone called Clive Staples Lewis. Something called Mere Christianity.


Decades have passed, yet I have never stopped reading C. S. Lewis. So, in the summer of the year 2000, when my wife Linda asked rhetorically, “What would you do if you retired tomorrow?” the answer seemed to pop out on its own: “I think I’d try to write Christian-themed action/mystery fiction in the C. S. Lewis tradition. Something similar to his That Hideous Strength. In that book a small band of Christians tries first to comprehend an especially convoluted mystery, then, having deciphered the mystery, tries to overcome the insidious and barely imaginable Evil that underlies it. All of this with Supernature flowing through every page.


Once I had said that aloud, the idea grew legs and ran. When, that fall, we took a long-planned week-long trip to the town of St. David’s on the coast of Wales, The Face of the Enemy was conceived.


I knew from the first that there would be at least three novels in the Rebecca Series. We were, however, careful never to refer to those books as a trilogy, knowing always that there might well be any number in the series.

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